SkyDiving for the fund Saturday 18th August 2012

One of our fundraising team Gemma Beckett from Soham is organising a Sky Dive Event for Lisa’s Fund on Saturday 18th August. Gemma who works at Chatterbox in Churchgate Street Soham has recruited six others to do the skydive with her. The skydive will take place in Norwich, Gemma said “Now the date has been set everyone is very excited, we just want to raise as much as we can before hand and go for it.  All the money raised will go to the Arthur Rank Hospice Charity.”

 Although Gemma has Skydived before in Australia none of the others have, but they are all excited, Gemma said “…it is a wonderful experience and I know they will all enjoy it.” If you want to show your support to these brave people why not pop into Chatterbox and meet Gemma or visit the just giving page 

 Lisa’s Fund was launched on 28th October 2010 and now stands at a staggering £44.000, the aim is to raise £100.000.  

 From left to right Kiel Porter, Debbie Cullum, John Mason, Christine Gibbs, Scott Robinson, and Gemma Beckett, the seventh one, Joshua Schumann couldn’t make the photo shoot. 

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