Former Sunday School Superintendent Donates to Lisa’s fund Saturday 28th April 2012

Mr Ernie Barlow from Mepal held his belated 75th birthday party for Lisa’s Fund on Saturday 28th April. Mr.Barlow a former Sunday School Superintendent at Mepal became very ill just before his 75th birthday on October 31st 2011, but vowed one day to hold a party for Lisa’s Fund. Mr. Barlow now almost fully recovered knew Lisa many years ago when the family lived in Mepal and Lisa took her sons to Sunday School. He said ‘She was a lovely lady and a very good mother to her two boys Matthew and Steven.’ Mr Barlow said, ‘At 75 what do I need in the way of gifts, nothing, but Lisa’s fund is doing such a great job raising money for Arthur Rank Hospice Charity in Cambridge,’ he said, ‘they do need the money’.

 Robert Barnes attended the party and commented, ‘Ernie is just one of those special people who has always put others before himself and I feel honoured he has chosen Lisa’s Fund.’Around eighty people attended and enjoyed live music from the band “New Life” who came and played for no fee. A grand total of £730.00 was raised and Robert thanked Ernie and his guests.

 If you have a special occasion coming up, and would like to help Lisa’s Fund please get in touch by phoning Robert on 01353 653 815 or 07885 087 458 or visit the web site

 Pictured with Ernie Barlow is Mercedes Rollason a neighbour and close friend.  

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