How did you spend your Easter Sunday?

… spare a thought for the eighteen walkers from the Co-Opertive supermarket Wisbech Road Branch in Littleport who walked from Parkers Piece in Cambridge to their supermarket in Littleport to raise money for Lisa’s Fund. Store Manager, Chris Wright led his team on the 25 mile walk, he said he was so pleased with their performance, although the last 5 miles where very difficult we all helped each other, they did a great job team building, and they all returned very tired a bit emotional and very happy having achieved their goal.
The supermarket has recently taken Lisa’s fund as their charity of the year and intend to hold more events.
Robert Barnes who launched the fund in October 2010 greeted them all on their return, he said they looked tired and where very pleased they were home. What they have achieved today will be a great help to The Arthur Rank Hospice Charity in Cambridge, I am raising £100.000 for the Charity. Money raised to date is £44,000.
Chris said he hoped todays walk will raise between £1,300 and £1,500 for Lisa’s Fund.    

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